Lazy Legs Run Club

By Fuzzydreamvalley

Lazy Legs Run Club (@lazylegsrunclub) is a movement club that was started by my best friend, Coach Lazy J (@coachlazyj), who I interviewed below.

I used to have a complicated relationship with physical activity, but ended up falling in love with hiking, bird-watching, plant species identification, and cool new friends. 

Follow Lazy Legs Rub Club on Instagram: @lazylegsrunclub

Fuzzy: What made you decide to start run club?

Lazy J: I started run club because i wanted to get back into running regularly and it coincidentally happened during 2020 so it was a way to hang with my friends during that weird isolated germ fearing time. I also kept seeing other run clubs on instagram but none that were valley based so i thought why not start one closer to home.

Fuzzy: Because social media pressures people to make “content” and commodify our lives, do you ever feel pressure to market run club more? 

Lazy J: I definitely feel pressured to market and create content for the run club ig, but im okay with that because im not really trying to sell anything other than a good experience. i also started run club as a reason to create and to motivate myself to be a better graphic designer. 

Fuzzy: At the last full moon run/hike with 818 Hikes (@818hikes) and Latino Outdoors (@lolosangeles), we experienced pushback from wealthy white people who live near the trailhead. I’m white and have never experienced that, but most of the group was brown. One lady kept pressing us for a permit (to use a public trail) and two men yelled at us claiming that we weren’t supposed to be there (on stolen land). Do you have any advice for BIPOC who are wary of being out in nature or doing activities that had been dominated by white people?

Lazy J: My advice would be to join local groups such as @818hikes, latino outdoors, outdoor afro (@outdoorafro), outdoor asian (@outdoorasianla) or any other bipoc groups that help educate bipoc ppl on how to explore and respect nature. I would also say that all of this land is stolen and it is our duty to acknowledge that and reclaim that land as public space. Lastly, I would say fuck the colonizers and gatekeepers. 

lazy j out.

fuzzydreamvalley is a San Fernando Valley born, raised, and based photographer. Their photos are post cards from the idealized reality that they occupy to survive.


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